
Writing for others but also just for myself. Sharing (not always) the bright side of technology. Hoping to bring some joy or to save some sweat.

About myself: Software Engineer at Facebook. A former dev on the Alexa Communications team at Amazon. Used to work at Microsoft on SignalR, EntityFramework, WCF Data Services and managed Xml. Continuously impressed by people.

Pawel Kadluczka

43 thoughts on “About

  1. Might I ask you to look at my question on StackOverflow?
    MVC EF Insert bitmap into table

    You answered a similar question and mentioned a bytemap array but did not provide any code. I think I need to use memorystream, but I’m too much of a beginner in EF to to implement the concept.
    Thanks JW


  2. I don’t follow too many bloggers, but I’m finding your interests interesting.. That’s a nice association of developer changing, development projects you have going there.. I’m going to have to look into SignalR a bit more.. my impression was it was kind of a branding to websockets and leveraged legacy support for incompatible devices .. but my impression of EntityFramework wasn’t entirely accurate, so there’s probably more going on there then I know.. looking forward to reviewing your past and latest articles over the coming week(s)..


    1. Thanks for the kind words. Seems like your preception of SignalR is not entirely accurate but if you play with it a little bit you should get on track pretty quickly 😉


    1. For persistent connection (the connection class) use the message_received callback. For hubs API (the hub_comnection class) create a hub_proxy for your hub and use the on callback. I am going to write a blog post about the SignalR native client soon. Stay tuned.



      1. thanks for your fast answer 🙂 i read this before and it wasn’t helpful ,the value of VS120COMNTOOLS in my system is” C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\Tools\”) (i mean it’s true). i don’t know is it important that my system is 32 bit not 64 ?? so thanks again 🙂


        1. If you can see the file when you do:
          dir "%VS120COMNTOOLS%"..\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\"Entity Framework Tools\DbGen\SSDLToSql10.tt"
          from the Developer Command Prompt from VS2013 then it is a different issue in which case you should create a new question on stackoverflow and provide all the details.



  3. Hello, can you write a short blog post on how to use the EF 6.0 level 2 cache in a web forms project that uses Ef 6.0 database first ?

    thank you


  4. Hi, I am really interested in DNX .NET, the github repo is huge. What is a good place to start learning the code? I just need a few pointers to get going, Thanks!


    1. Honestly, I don’t think you are really interested in DNX per se. What’t in the DNX repo is infrastructure for running ASP.NET v5 applications. To get started I would recommend watching https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2015/2-726 and https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2015/2-687. Then I would try building a simple command line and, then, an ASP.NET application. If I am mistaken and you are really interested in DNX create a simple command line application, start it from command line using the --debug option (i.e. dnx --debug . run) attach a debugger (note you will need VS 2015 and also if you want to see the full stack (i.e. native and managed frames) you would need to select native and .NET code type when attaching to the process) and inspect the stack. Next do the same but set a breakpoint in the dnx.cpp and debug all the way up to your app. As I said, I don’t think this is what you are really interested in because you don’t really need to know how we start CLR or CoreCLR to successfully write ASP.NET 5 apps.



    1. Hi Elsie,

      Thanks for contacting me. I would like to know what your expectations are. I typically don’t do reviews but rather I do tutorials showing how to use the given component/circuit board. I quickly look at the display you offer and I think it would be interesting to make it work on Windows 10 IoT (Raspberry Pi2) – if it is possible at all.



  5. Hi Pawel,

    Thanks for your blog posts on Signalr Core topic. They’re quiet interesting and helpful.

    Are you planning to continue the series with new updates?



    1. Hi Hovhannes,

      I am glad you like the series. I am planning to write at least one more post but am waiting for the things to get a little bit more stable.



    1. Hi Diogo Pio,

      We don’t have the Java client for ASP.NET Core SignalR at this moment. We are planning to write one though – stay tuned.



      1. Hey Moozzyk; Can you help me out here? I downloaded Rebecca AIML-11tp3.exe from SorceForge.net in hope to learn the program. After the install on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit I opened the Folder. I started to read the “User’s Guide” and was going to try an example. I looked in all of Rebecca’s folders, and I can not find 1 Application except for “Uninstall”. How do I Open RebeccaAIML..?The Install was successful. Thanks in advance, James.


        1. As in the example I provided a link to you can inject the hub context to your class. If you create your instance manually you will need to either inject IHubContext to this class or you can inject IServiceProvider, resolve IHubContext manually and pass it to the ctor.



    1. I would recommend using a different channel for sending files – e.g. upload file using HTTP and let the other user download it (again using HTTP). SignalR is not really well suited for sending files – the non-ASP.NET Core version does not support binary formats at all so you would have to base64-encode the files to be sent making payloads much bigger than needed. On top of that with that version the files would be stored on the server side in memory and, if you are scaling out, sent to all the servers in the farm. The ASP.NET Core version of SignalR supports binary formats (MessagePack based binary protocol is built-in) but not all the transports support it.


  6. Hi Pawel,

    I’ve been using your Swift SignalR Library for iOS and it’s great! I have been building an app that uses it extensively and I was wondering what your plans were for the future of the library and whether you will continuing developing it.




    1. Hi Jordan,

      I am glad that the Swift SignalR client works for you. I intend to develop and maintain it (btw. I posted the 0.3 version to Cocoapods last weekend).



  7. Hi ,

    i am pretty new to EF. i am getting an error like The mapping and metadata information for EntityContainer ‘x’ no longer matches the information used to create the pre-generated views after updating the Model. i am trying to identify the issue and resolve it for more than a week. still i do not have any idea. could you please help me to understand it and resolve it.

    It means a lot to me if the issue gets fixed. thanks in advance.


    1. If you get a mismatch you can try deleting the old artifact (delete the file or drop the table) and it will be re-generated. A better solution would be to validate if you really need to use this project. My gut feeling is that if you have fewer than 100 tables in your database you probably are not getting any noticeable difference. If you have more you still may not see any noticeable difference. Measure your startup time without the library and if it is acceptable remove the dependency and simplify your code.


  8. I’ve really enjoyed your C64 Signal R project and have it working on a C64 but at 1200 baud. This does occasionally have issues like you discussed but when switching the baud to 600 it will not connect to the Signal R server. Can you help me understand the specific changes that need to be made when changing baud rates. Thanks again for such a great project.


    1. It’s great to hear you were able to make it work. Honestly, after I wrote down the steps to reproduce the project I had doubts anyone would be able to build this on their own.
      Regarding the problem you are facing – there are two places you need to change to lower the transmission rate. One is in the ESP project and one is in the assembly code. Here is a diff that does that: https://github.com/moozzyk/SignalR-C64/commit/c70d8963679e0c7dd17430417d0c4d71afbf4407. You can skip the Python files – they’re just debugging tools.


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